Monday, April 5, 2010

Different Types Of Mortgage Refinance Loans

With today’s lenders, you have more refinancing options than ever before. So whether you are looking to reduce your rates or lower your monthly payments, you can find financing that is right for you.

Lenders also let you compare loan quotes online without hurting your credit score. So with real numbers, you can determine which is the best lender and loan for you. You take the guesswork out of the refinancing process, knowing how much you can save.

Stability Of A Fixed Rate Mortgage

Refinancing for a fixed rate mortgage can lower your rates and give you peace of mind. By setting your mortgage rate today, you know exactly how much your interest will cost and how long your loan will last.

Fixed rate mortgages also allow you to buy down the rate, saving you thousands if you keep the mortgage for several years. You can also extend the loan period to reduce monthly payment amounts.

Betting On Lower Rates With An Adjustable Rate Mortgage

Refinancing with an adjustable rate mortgage will qualify you for some especially low rates a year or more. With these introductory offers, you can save hundreds a month.

There is the chance that rates will increase, along with your monthly payments. Depending on your caps, you may also see your mortgage lengthen due to high rates. But if you aren’t planning to keep your loan or house for too long, you may find the savings worth the risk.

Cashing Out Your Equity With A Refi

Cashing out part of your equity during a refi saves you money on application fees and higher rates with a separate home equity loan. When you pull out your equity, you can still select fixed or adjustable rates. You also have the options of extending or shortening your loan terms.

Creative Terms For Unique Situations

Interest only loans and similar creative loan terms work for those in unique situations. For instance, if you are planning to move in a year, refinancing with an interest only loan can cut your mortgage payments by hundreds of dollars. And by selling before the loan payments jump, you don’t have to worry about high payments.